This message was posted on Facebook by Cindy Semp - Quiltville Open Studio. I felt is was wonderful and I wanted to pass it on to my fellow Quilters. Cindy said I could post it on my blog.
I would like to share a story with all the quilters here. I know many of
you make quilts to give away for cancer patients. Well I have been
helping my neighbor> She was diagnosed with cancer 3 months ago. I help
drive her to appointments or go with her for a ride to keep her
company. Monday she had to go for her shot and while sitting in the
waiting room there was an older woman holding a quilt. It was bright
spring colors and so pretty. I asked her if she made it and she replied
she received it from a local group that gives quilts out to cancer
patients getting chemo. This woman was softly stroking the quilt as we
spoke and telling me that it really brightens her day, especially when
she is getting chemo, not to mention it keeps her warm. She really
loved this quilt. I know when we donate quilts we do not get to see the
reaction of the people receiving them, so I wanted to share this with
you all to let you know the work that goes into the quilt and donated
does truly give someone a brighter day.
To my wife and all her righteous friends: Keep up the wonderful work that you do to help and care for people, strangers you may never know. It is a great inspiration in these times of greed and selfishness, and exactly what our Creator wants from all of us. Thank you for setting the example.